Tripoli - Lion's Tower
In al-Mina, the port section of Tripoli, stand the ruins of four great guard
towers built by order of the Mamluk sultans of Egypt to defend their inland
city of Tripoli from sea attack.
Originally there were seven towers, three have practically
disappeared. From the ruins of the destroyed Crusader port city,
they collected the necessary building material in order to defend
their vulnerable coastline against the Crusader’s return.
The Mid 15th Century Tower of the Lions is still remarkably
preserved. It was given this name in the 19th Century because of the
lions carved in relief that once stood above the entrance.
The Tower is actually a fortress 2 stories high with lofty vaulted
ceilings. The west portal is in the typical Mamluke black and white
stone pattern. From the outside you can see how the builders placed
Roman columns horizontally in the wall as reinforcements.